KnowThyBrand - Championing gender inclusion in business

Mira and the secrets behind positive leadership

February 25, 2022 Giulia / Mira Season 2 Episode 3

In this Episode Mira, a Transformational and Clarity Coach to Leaders shares with us some of the main challenges that leaders and particularly female leaders face:
1. Leadership is an amplifier: leadership is about being exposed and being out of our comfort zone, which amplifies weaknesses and fears.
2. Leadership is therefore an inner game, once you master your inner challenges, tackling the external one is the easy part (just Google it!)
3. Women leaders be aware of bias: not just the bias that men have about women, but the ones that we women we have about ourselves: we have been raised to seek perfection and work double hard, these and others are the bias that we put on ourselves and can become stoppers and internal limitations.

Mira also shares some very powerful tips on how to overcome these challenges:
-> Embrace vulnerability, be human (and that will help avoid toxic leadership)
-> Be kind to yourself and look after yourself
-> Have a strategy or a trick for when things get hard and you would naturally return to unhealthy thoughts to catch yourself and move to a more positive space

Mira's favorite brand is Pagaonia for its strong inclusion

Find out more about Mira's work here :

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