KnowThyBrand - Championing gender inclusion in business

Gender inclusion and the broken rung theory

Giulia Iannucci/ Darren Robison Season 2 Episode 6

With his incredibly vast experience in recruitment, in this episode Darren covers some very critical aspects of gender inclusion in business:

  • The critical role of men in supporting gender equality
  • The broken rung number 1: at the start of the career -> why do the entry levels have a similar number of women and men but already the first step of the carer progression sees more men than women being promoted
  • The broken run number 2: women dropping off after starting a family and the consequences on their financial dependency during retirement.
  • The unexpected downsides of the newly found flexibility at work and the risk of women to become 'invisible'
  • The necessity for a more inclusive leadership style.

This episode is part of a series dedicated to the campaign "The power of Gender Equality" a campaign that KnowThyBrand and the LhOFT have launched to champion women in finance and technology 

Sound (unfortunately) unseen for this episode.

Find out more about Darren Robinson here:

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