KnowThyBrand - Championing gender inclusion in business
Discover the facts behind gender inclusion, listen to incredible guests as they share their unique stories and expertise about the challenges that women face, and learn what we can all do to foster gender equality.
KnowThyBrand - Championing gender inclusion in business
Gender inclusion and the broken rung theory
Giulia Iannucci/ Darren Robison
Season 2
Episode 6
With his incredibly vast experience in recruitment, in this episode Darren covers some very critical aspects of gender inclusion in business:
- The critical role of men in supporting gender equality
- The broken rung number 1: at the start of the career -> why do the entry levels have a similar number of women and men but already the first step of the carer progression sees more men than women being promoted
- The broken run number 2: women dropping off after starting a family and the consequences on their financial dependency during retirement.
- The unexpected downsides of the newly found flexibility at work and the risk of women to become 'invisible'
- The necessity for a more inclusive leadership style.
This episode is part of a series dedicated to the campaign "The power of Gender Equality" a campaign that KnowThyBrand and the LhOFT have launched to champion women in finance and technology
Sound (unfortunately) unseen for this episode.
Find out more about Darren Robinson here: