KnowThyBrand - Championing gender inclusion in business
KnowThyBrand - Championing gender inclusion in business
Unlocking the magic in every woman
In this episode we talk with Mari Vasan, CEO, Entrepreneur, Professional Hypnotist, Women´s Transformational Life Coach, and Founder of MindGift.org.
But that's not all! Mary is a former Wall Street senior executive and Managing Director of US Equity Research who by her full will decided to walk away from a career that, in her own words, defined her exclusively by her job title and salary, to start a new career dedicated to helping others.
Today, Mari is an over 10 years experienced coach, and her life mission is to help middle-aged women start living the best half of their lives.
Her top tips to find our own magic are:
-> Reconnect with your own body
-> Believe in yourself. We have plenty of programs that almost automatically drive our lives. Stop. Reflect. Decide.
-> Decide to add value, you will be noticed.
-> Decide to believe you can, as supposed to can't.
-> Decide to surround yourself with positive people.
-> Decide to continue caring for others, but do not forget yourself
Find out more about Mari and her work here:
Linkedin: MariVasan
Youtube: @marivasan
Facebook: Mari Vasan
Website: Mari Vasan and MindGift.org